Effie White, Deena Jones, and Lorrell Robinson - three friends from Chicago - are a promising singing trio called The Dreamettes. Accompanied by their songwriter C.C. White (Effie's brother), they travel to New York to compete in a talent show at the Apollo Theatre. Although the girls lose this first bid for fame, their talent attracts an ambitious manager by the name of Curtis Taylor, Jr.
Saw the preview last night of Dreamgirls in Charlotte, NC. First off I have to say that it is a great interpretation of the stage play. I thought that the script had really fleshed out the show and brought to life ideas that were only briefly touched upon. All of the characters were much more believable on screen, and the added songs really fit in with the rest of the score. The greatest triumph of this movie has to be Jennifer Hudson as Effie. She is truly a star. After she sang, And Im Telling You, the whole audience burst into applause. It was truly magical. I turned to the friend who went with me and said...she definitely will be nominated if not win the Oscar!!!
Just saw the movie at the Rio Film Festival. Crash-like or not, the film is not the first to tell a story of intertwined events, nor will it be the last. Discussions about screenplay similarity are irrelevant. What should be considered is the story being told by the very competent director, Alejandro Gonz��lez I����rritu. It is a tale of different lives and the choices people make. Choices made in extreme situations and how their repercussions are interpreted and dealt with around the globe. It is also about how misconceptions and stereotypifications are unfair and misleading. The movie will not please some, but at least it brings light to a debate on human relations and cultural identities that is much needed in the world today.